Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Well Its about time.................................................

I have neglected this blog havent I!!! Oops, I suppose life just got in the way as it usually does. I have made a couple cards for other people but, work, kids life got in the way.

Ist up was a comissioned 50th Birthday card, made by using Arty Farty designed bottle the templates can be found at numerous place I got mine at this site. The templates are really to use but you do have to do all the cutting out of the templates yourself which can be a little tiresome.
I got my templates from but they can be purchased at any good craft shops or internet sites.

Next up is a Valentines card that I made for my hubby. I went for Red and white dotty backing papers, the heart in the middle is stamped and heat embosed, and a tag in the centre as you open it up saying, Dotty about you. Very simple, but says all I needed it to.

Last but not least was a card made for my little girls teacher who was leaving for Maternity leave. simple backing papers, with a baby mobile hanging for ribbon and mini pegs with a small tag saying from here to maternity.

I will try and not leave it so long next time before posting again.....